I first became interested in adaptogens about six years ago when I was going through a rough time in my life and i just wanted “something” to make me feel better. I was low on energy and always tired but couldn’t sleep, eager to do all these things at work and in my personal life but couldn’t concentrate or get myself to make my bed.

My first adaptogen was trying with maca root powder I found it in whole foods and started to put it in my smoothies..  After maybe two weeks after drinking I felt slightly more energized during the day and a little more focused I also noticed my libido going way up out of nowhere. After that I got into really reading the benefits of maca and being more conscious about changes in my body when consuming it… it was really making me feel better.  I became obsessed with wanting to know everything about adaptogens, trying them out and testing them on myself.

Adaptogens work in a long time period, they need consistency and its not like a magic pill that you can take and make wonders. These are all natural roots, herbs, mushrooms that the world has provide us to help our bodies adapt to stress, climate changes,  and normalize body imbalances.

Its also recommended to take adaptogens in seasons, for example if you’re taking rhodiola for a three months and run out of it you can change to Chaga so your body takes a break and after three months starts taking rhodiola again. Its good to rotate them.

There are also many ways of taking these it can either be in powders, capsules. I rather taking them in powders and mixing them with water, my matcha or adding them to some of my food. Ill do a brief description of the adaptogens I’ve tried and what their benefits are:


  • hormone balance
  • promotes brain function
  • rich source of iron
  • stress relief and overall sense of well being


  • great immune system builder
  • strengthens an protects many of the body’s functions like metabolism and digestion.
  • helps overall skin health
  • increases and balances energy levels


  • it has more than 215 phytonutrients to nourish the body
  • high in b vitamins, minerals and enzymes
  • super antioxidant
  • eases anxiety, stress and nervousness


  • reduces fatigue and stress
  • improve cardiovascular health
  • great for enhancing physical endurance
  • increases libido
  • helpful for anyone suffering late stage adrenal fatigue or burnout


  • anti aging and beautifying food
  • supports kidneys and blood circulation
  • sexual tonic and aphrodisiac power


  • hormone balancing properties
  • contains more calcium than milk
  • increases fertility and boosts libido
  • it has positive effects on energy, stamina and mood


  • great for digestion
  • regulates blood sugar levels
  • fights inflammation
  • helps reduce some diabetic symptoms
  • supports brain health
  • packed with protein and other essential nutrients